General Classification
Indicating the location of lighthouse using the light, mark, sound or radio wave, those are classified into visual aids, figure mark, sound aids, wave aids and special signal marks.
Visual aidsIt produces lights at nighttime. This structure also serves as a nautical mark. It includes lighthouse, light mark, leading lights, Range lantern lights, directional lights, light pole and light buoy.
Daejin Lighthouse
Mulchihang-groin Lighthouse
Jodo east light mark
Jeojin leading lights
It indicates the locations using a shape or color, which includes unlighted beacon, guide mark and buoy.
Unilghted beacon
It is installed on a lighthouse or large lighted buoy to make a sound when a visibility is extremely limited due to fog, snow, rain or dust to indicate the location. It includes electrical horn, air siren, motor siren and bell etc.
Air compressor
Air tank
Air siren
It is used as navigation aids for its uniformity, straightness and delectableness. It includes radio beacon, raider beacon, raymark beacon, DGPS and radar station.
Transmission equipment(DGPS)
Transmission antenna
Radar beacon
It provides the vessels travelling the narrow straits or waterways with traffic conditions, navigation data, or direction of the tide by means of radio wave or figure marks. It includes VTS, weather and tide signal marks.
Shopping Traffic Control Signal Station
Tide Signal Station
IALA buoy mark, defined by International Association of Lighthouse Authorities, is intended to identify the boundary, natural dangerous objects, obstacles, or important straits or location. The figures below show the layout of navigation aids indicating the route according to IALA marks. The figures and meanings thereof indicate the functions of each mark.